A Perfect Moment in Time?

Today’s Daily Post prompt sent my mind whirling with possibilities:

“For a moment today, time stands still — but you can tweak one thing while it’s stopped. What do you do?”

At first this seemed a golden opportunity – the ability to pinpoint a moment in my life and transform it, perhaps from mundane to good, from good to wonderful, from wonderful to perfect.  The possibility beguiled me instantly.  I could choose exact words when responding to an important question.  I could take back a misguided eye roll.  I could take a beautiful moment, say a sunset or a heartfelt “I love you,” and pack a little more oomph into the experience by adding inspirational music or a hand plucked flower to the equation.

It sounds great, doesn’t it?  I soon realized, however, how difficult it would be to orchestrate a moment like that.  How much manipulation would it take to get that moment just right?  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, after all – I want to make the most of it!

I once cooked a celebratory meal for someone special.  I followed a favorite recipe of mine, one that I have made many times to rave reviews.  But I decided to make one small change to the meal in my desire to improve it, to make it extra special.  Just a bit more spice to awaken the senses, I thought to myself – and before I knew what I had done, the dish was ruined.  Most of us have episodes like this, a time we can all pinpoint with the words “I should stopped right there and left things as they were.”

With that in mind, my response to the question above – What Will I Do? – has to be this:


I’ll take my chances on each day as it unfolds.  I may not get to plan everything my way, or tweak a moment to perfection, but I have to trust that God will.  I have been blessed with perfect moments in my life, but not a single one of them has come about because I did anything to make them so.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI have laughed until I cried at a friend’s offhand comment.  I have received hugs just when I felt my most unlovable.  There were moments when I chanced to glance at the sky and glimpsed a perfect rainbow, or paused to tie my shoe and spied a delicate flower nestled in the grass at my feet.  Occasions when, seemingly by chance, my eyes have met my husband’s across a crowded room just when I needed his reassuring smile.

I can’t improve on those moments.  The spontaneity, the organic expression of love, the unexpected glimpse into the wonder of creation – I can’t make them happen.  They are gifts, and I love that I never know when I will receive them.