A Summer Daydream on a Cold Winter Day

ImageNormally, I try to my best to live in the moment, to enjoy life as it is, for what it is.  But I had to make a morning run around town this morning in ten degree weather, in a vehicle with a malfunctioning heater.  I forgot my hat.  I was only out of the house for about twenty minutes, but by the time my brief errand was done, I was frozen.  A human popsicle.  So can you blame me for indulging in a summer daydream?  I can’t help but imagine a hot day at the end of July, a day made for shorts and sunglasses, a day spent in the sand and sun.  The sun reflects off the black tar of the asphalt, creating hazy rays that blur the scenery as we motor to the lake.  The sun warms the top of my head while we help the kids launch their kites into the open sky.  Gulls screech and water laps around my feet.  Brian and I smile at each other as we stroll the coastline, not talking, just happy to be holding hands and spending the day together.

I close my eyes and I’m there.

Not really, of course, but almost.  And for now, for a few small moments of daydreaming on a cold January day, almost is good enough.